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Yesterday my 5.4 kw of solar panels generated just over 31 kwh, which is typically more than our house uses in an average day. However, since we charged the EV for a few hours in the early morning, this took our total power usage well above what we generated.
The ideal thing to do would be to charge the EV during peak solar generating hours (11am to 2pm) however most people have to be to work during that time. The weekend is the only time you can really get to use your solar power to directly offset charging an EV.
The more solar power you can send directly to a home battery or into charging your car, the greater the savings. #practicemakesperfect
Yesterday my 5.4 kw of solar panels generated just over 31 kwh, which is typically more than our house uses in an average day. However, since we charged the EV for a few hours in the early morning, this took our total power usage well above what we generated.
The ideal thing to do would be to charge the EV during peak solar generating hours (11am to 2pm) however most people have to be to work during that time. The weekend is the only time you can really get to use your solar power to directly offset charging an EV.
The more solar power you can send directly to a home battery or into charging your car, the greater the savings. #practicemakesperfect
Yesterday my 5.4 kw of solar panels generated just over 31 kwh, which is typically more than our house uses in an average day. However, since we charged the EV for a few hours in the early morning, this took our total power usage well above what we generated.
The ideal thing to do would be to charge the EV during peak solar generating hours (11am to 2pm) however most people have to be to work during that time. The weekend is the only time you can really get to use your solar power to directly offset charging an EV.
The more solar power you can send directly to a home battery or into charging your car, the greater the savings. #practicemakesperfect
It's great to see so many electric vehicles like this T3 on the road. Before gas prices started going up, it cost roughly 50% less to run your EV in Nassau versus buying gas for an ICE (internal Combustion Engine) car. Now that gas prices are moving up up and away... "Dog eat ya lunch" lol...
But not to be outdone, BPL over there looking like they 'bout to go up on power too! smh!!!
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